Outside our comfort zone

Creating our own success masterpiece takes courage and commitment. However, sometimes we work hard towards realising a dream that is not even ours – in reality the dream is someone else’s. When we wake up to this truth we may have a courageous decision to make. It’s time to undress our ambition and declare our aspirations and take courageous action.

When making a change towards the life we choose there are often two opposing forces within:

1. Just settle for what you have
2. Don’t settle and go for what you want.

One of the steps to not settling and going for what we want is to undress our ambitions and declare our aspirations, and the superpowers of belief, courage, conviction and commitment are how to do it.

To undress ambition is one of the essential qualities for living the life we want. It is often fear that keeps us from declaring our ambition — the fear of what we might lose if we take a risk. It is outside our comfort zone that the truly amazing opportunities lie that propel us into the life we want.

Create a life you truly value by reflecting on the past and being a powerful creator of a 2020 you’ve chosen. Let me help you, click here to find out how.

Every Minute Counts and You Can Have It All! ®

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Christina Joy