The gifts that come from the no’s

One of the quickest ways to destroy belief is by worrying about what other people think and say. And when you have a clear vision you are more resilient with the no’s.

When I made the decision to leave my real estate office to follow my vision, I knew there would be times when I would miss my old real estate life. I knew there would be times of being tempted to return – before I saw evidence of success in my new life. I made a decision to change my name. After 44 years of being known as Christina Conias, successful real estate leader in my area, I decided to start using my married name. This was to prevent me from wanting to go back to my old life when things got tough. Many didn’t understand this. But in that first year when the pressures of a new game were upon me, many advised me to go back to real estate. I knew that changing my name was the right thing to do.

I was now Christina Guidotti — unknown by name (then), but with 44 years experience to share and with loads of belief, conviction and commitment.

My first project, back in 2012 — selling training workshops to real estate leaders for their teams — failed! Having led one of the most profitable real estate offices in Australia and New Zealand, I offered a full day workshop, but I just kept getting a no from those leaders. They didn’t want my help. I persisted, until one day I received a phone call from a woman asking me if I would do one-to-one mentoring with her. Ironically this woman was from one of the offices whose leader had said no to a workshop. So I decided that it was time to let go of the first project and to launch a new project specifically designed for women like me — women who wanted to have it all and who wanted my help. Those who were wanting to live with both achievement and fulfilment. That program was a success. The success was a measure of its value.

Then I launched my Leading Women in Business program and kept the Leading Women in Real Estate program going also. Working with these women has been a huge joy and a major contributor to my fulfilment. Many of the women who began with me in 2012 are still on the True Believer journey today.

I have learnt, we must keep working towards our vision, no matter what the obstacles. If some don’t support you, it’s not your business.

Create a life you truly value by reflecting on the past and being a powerful creator of a 2020 you’ve chosen. Let me help you, click here to find out how.

Every Minute Counts and You Can Have It All! ®

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Christina Joy