Wake up!

Creating your own success masterpiece takes courage and commitment. However, sometimes we work hard towards realising a dream that is not ours – in reality the dream is someone else’s. When we wake up to this truth we have a courageous decision to make. It’s time to undress our ambition and declare our aspirations.

Many would say that my life looked picture perfect — however, several years ago I found myself living the wrong picture. I was living someone else’s picture — my dad’s. That day I “woke up” and discovered that this was dad’s legacy and I had lost ownership of my own frame — my success masterpiece. To step away is always harder when you love and respect those that have taught you so much.

During my real estate career I had consistently achieved hundreds of thousands of dollars in personal income each year and I had worked long hours and built up the business to a level it had not seen in its history. I had substantial passive income from investing the wealth in property. But the money was not my biggest driver any more — I wanted my own game, to leave my own legacy and to make the difference I believed I was born for.

I was scared to leave to create my own success masterpiece and became depressed and struggled in silence. I would say to myself, “Christina, snap out of it, these feelings will pass.” So I kept the stage make-up on, covering up how I felt from family, friends, team members and clients. The longer I went on — not living my vision — the more I struggled.

The rest is history and I am now living my own success masterpiece – grateful for the move and the learnings.

When making a change towards the life we choose there are often two opposing forces within:

  1. Just settle for what you have.
  2. Don’t settle and go for what you want.

One of the steps to not settling and going for what you want is to undress your ambitions and declare your aspirations, and the superpowers of belief, conviction and commitment are how to do it.

To undress ambition is one of the essential qualities for living the life you want. It is often fear that keeps us from declaring our ambition — the fear of what we might lose if we take a risk. It is outside your comfort zone that the truly amazing opportunities lie that propel you into the life you want.


Every Minute Counts and You Can Have It All! ®

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Christina Joy